Health Insurance for Canadians Visitors to the USA with a Pre-Existing Condition

At times, insurance coverage includes pre-existing health conditions before your effective date of experiencing symptoms, which might include receiving medical attention, being hospitalized, prescribed medication, or any surgical procedure. Insurance firms are now more liberal about covering people with health issues. The insurance for Canadian visitors is now avoided as the Canadian government has now asked all Canadians to stay in the country and avoid travel unnecessarily. Some Canadians are traveling to the US & have not altered their travel plans. But the answer to the question that if Canadians can purchase Travel Health Insurance that will cover them with any pre-existing condition is Yes. Some Insurances also have Covid insurance facilities for Canadians visiting the USA like any other illness. They cannot be sick before starting the coverage policy to be confirmed (otherwise, it will be considered pre-existing). This blog will suggest some policies covering He...