Global Medical Insurance

Why is global medical insurance essential for expatriates and frequent travelers?

A recent survey revealed that 82% of ex-pats prefer a global insurance plan. But, before we begin to delve deeper into why a global medical insurance policy is popular. Why do travelers feel that this insurance policy is one of the most powerful tools in their hands when they are abroad? And why did insurance companies create these policies with their partners abroad?

What is Global Medical Insurance?

Global medical insurance, or as it is also known as expatriate insurance and frequent traveler insurance, is a long-term health insurance policy popular with individuals who live and work outside their home country. These plans provide policyholders the best healthcare wherever they are in the world. For those who travel abroad frequently, these policies provide you with flexible medical coverage while providing them the ability to extend their plans alongside their trips.

Why is global medical insurance popular?

Expatriate health insurance is extremely popular with employees and their families working abroad in a foreign country. One of the main reasons behind this is that people living abroad need a policy that provides them care by themselves without any family or support group.

The second reason is that global medical insurance policies offer multiple coverage options, alongside flexible benefits and a policy maximum that can range up to unlimited amounts. These plans allow frequent travelers to feel covered and confident while traveling from one country to another.

A third reason these policy plans are so popular with international employers and employees alike is their protection. Most often than not, ex-pats who are seniors can’t find the insurance coverage that protects them adequately. A global medical insurance policy provides coverage for everyone up to 99 years of age. A global plan allows employers to keep their experienced and senior staff safe outside their home country or traveling for work.

These policies are also popular with businesses and multinational companies. A global health plan allows a company to provide medical coverage to their employees and allows them to do it cheaper. With these plans, a business does not need to spend on domestic plans and with a lot more flexibility to extend a policy or renew it at this discretion.

Finally, a global policy is one of the best options for ex-pats traveling to or living in countries that do not have the healthcare standards they are comfortable with and need. A global medical insurance plan allows them to opt for private care if they get sick in a healthcare facility under the care of a professional of their choice without the expenses that would give anyone a pause.


A global medical insurance policy is one of the best policies if you live or travel abroad for a longer term. So, if you are looking to keep yourself protected when working in a country with a lacking national healthcare system and want to protect yourself, you need to get a policy that protects you and yours adequately. We suggest that you visit us al Visitor Insurance and browse through the multiple global plans we have on offer. These plans are provided by some of the biggest global insurance providers and will keep you covered in all your travels.


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